Albania Coastal Kayak Tour

3 to 18 September 2016

We have a couple of expeditions this year. The first one, we’ll tackle the longest river of Scandinavia, the second one taking place in September will follow the coastline of Albania from north to south.

Albanian Coastline

The coast between Velipoje and Shengjin in the north is characterized by curative sand beaches, and a few lagoons near Lezhe perfect for bird-watching. Between Durres and Vlore in Central Albania, the coast is characterized by long stretches of sandy beaches and several lagoons. Along the Albanian Riviera in the south, the coast is mostly rocky with either long or secluded shingle and sandy beaches, with the presence of several islands like Sazan, Zvernec, Ksamil, and Tongo. The total coastline of Albania is about 476 km long.


We will start at the northern end, close to the boarder of Montenegro. From here we follow the coastline in a southern direction. The stunning coastline invites for many stops. We will also have a look at some historic sites along the way. If weather conditions permit we will shortcut to the tip of the Karaburun peninsula. The trip ends at the southern end of Albania.

This is a good area to get into Sea Kayaking, the boats we have are sturdy, double kayaks which allow for a lot of storage. We expect to be on the water for about 14 days, depending on the weather conditions.

We will stop along the way at campgrounds or in the wild to pitch up our tents. Dinner is normally around a log fire or we enjoy the local foodie culture.

What to bring

  • A warm fleece
  • A warm jacket
  • A light waterproof jacket
  • Leggings
  • Shorts
  • Long trousers (no jeans)
  • Two pairs of warm socks
  • A couple of pairs of normal socks
  • Sportshoes
  • Sandals
  • A good sleeping bag (up to – 10 Degrees)
  • A tent which fits into the boats
  • Basic toiletry bag
  • A towel

What we bring

  • The kayaks
  • The paddles
  • The spray decks
  • Cooking tools
  • Food
  • Tea/Coffee/Hot Chocolate

Tour Includes

  • Pick up in Tirana
  • Road trip to the starting point of our journey
  • Paddling in modern double kayaks
  • Safety equipment
  • Safety guides (1 for each 4 kayaks)
  • Food;  Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
  • Road trip back to Tirana
  • Visits of villages, cities, historic sites
  • Partnership with local tour company (run by an Englishman)

Costs & Payment

The 16 day tour costs €1950.
A deposit of 25% to our bank account is required to secure your place on the tour. The balance is due by latest one month before the tour commences.

Pick up and drop off

We pick you up from Tirana on the 3rd of September at 13.00pm and travel together to the starting point of our trip, to the northern tip of Albania. On the 18th of September we will bring you back to Tirana Airport. We will try to paddle the length of the coastline, interspersed with visits of the villages, cities and some historic sites along the way. We do not intend to have a race – if the weather turns sour or if we have adverse conditions we may not be able to complete the journey to the very last village of Albania. Please book your return flights from 3pm on the 18th of June.

Tour Partner

We work with a local company, run by an Englishman to ensure that you get the most out of this tour and to allow us to get an insight into the local culture.

Albania Map